Post by MartinPost by George PearcePost by MartinPost by Steve FryattOn 12 May, Richard Ashbery wrote in message
Post by George PearceI am simply trying to open a graphics window with a white
background in 16 million colour mode in RIScOS 4.?. I am
calling MODE MODE in 1900x1080p. GCOL seems to have been
extended in v5.
Best I can do is GCOL 0, 191, which seem to give a light
grey rather than full white. I can obviously correct
this after the event, but am sure there must be a
solution which I have yet to discover.
Post by George PearcePost by MartinYou do not say what version of RISC OS you are using, or which
version of BASIC, or what hardware you are running on. Any of
those may be your problem - the BASIC manual has been updated,
but largely to reflect changes made in the many years since RO4.
If the problem is the version of BASIC, then the most recent
version can be soft-loaded, as Steve said above.
I did say at the start of my original question it is RISC OS 4.?, as Steve picked up.
Indeed ... which is why I referred to changes since RO4.
Post by George Pearce4.02 on one machine and 4.39 Virtual Acorn RISC OS ADJUST
BASIC is BASIC 5 v 1.20 on the former and v1.29 on the latter. I
realise that there may be an issue with emulation, and the lack of
physical Acorn hardware.
OK thanks.
Post by George PearceI have the BBC BASIC V manual, and it has nothing to say about 16
million colors but is concerned mainly with 16 and 256 colour
modes, and old style low res screen modes.
Yes - I find that very confusing myself.
Post by George PearceAlso I'm writing the program for someone who is using RISC OS 4,
and would probably demur from soft loading a new OS!
We are not suggesting softloading a new OS ... just the BASIC module.
Post by George PearceThat being said, 5 or 4, no one has addressed my query about the
existence or not of Foreground and Background colours in 16M mode.
I suspect not!
And no one has offered a solution to a white screen in said mode. Please someone!
I wrote a little program...
GCOL &8F :REM Yellow background
VDU 24,200;200;1000;900;
GCOL &FF :REM White background
VDU 24,300;300;1080;800;
PRINT "done"
and when running at X1920 Y1080 C16M I get a yellow rectangle on a
black screen, mostly covered by a white rectangle - which seems to be
what you want?
That is the same on...
Titanium with RO5.29 and BASIC v1.81
VRPC with RO4.39 and BASIC v1.80 (softloaded)
VRPC with RO4.39 and BASIC v1.29
Does that answer your question?
If not, then a misbehaving program might help.
Martin Avison
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To J Peach = GCOL 0,191 TINT 192 seems to work.
To Martin, thanks, I'll have a play with your prog.
To Chris - didn't know about ColourTrans_SetGCOL, and can't fathom at present how to use it to set a white background, but I'll persevere.