Christopher Self
2022-08-03 19:13:36 UTC
I'm trying to drag an icon around a window using the icon's outline, but
it keeps boxing my compass.
What's wrong with this, please?:
PROCget_window_state (play_agenda_win%, minx%, miny%, maxx%, maxy%,
scrollx%, scrolly%, behind%)
PROCget_icon_outline (play_agenda_win%, icon%, icminx%, icminy%, icmaxx%,
REM draw dragbox for current icon
block!4 = 5
block!8 = icminx% + (scrollx% - minx%)
block!12 = icminy% + (scrolly% - maxy%)
block!16 = icmaxx% + (scrollx% - minx%)
block!20 = icmaxy% + (scrolly% - maxy%)
block!24 = minx%
block!28 = miny%
block!32 = maxx%
block!36 = maxy%
SYS "Wimp_DragBox",,block
I've bodged it so far with:
block!8 = minx% + 8
block!12 = maxy% - (scrolly% - icminy%)
block!16 = maxx% - 8
block!20 = maxy% - (scrolly% - icmaxy%)
But I don't understand why that works.
it keeps boxing my compass.
What's wrong with this, please?:
PROCget_window_state (play_agenda_win%, minx%, miny%, maxx%, maxy%,
scrollx%, scrolly%, behind%)
PROCget_icon_outline (play_agenda_win%, icon%, icminx%, icminy%, icmaxx%,
REM draw dragbox for current icon
block!4 = 5
block!8 = icminx% + (scrollx% - minx%)
block!12 = icminy% + (scrolly% - maxy%)
block!16 = icmaxx% + (scrollx% - minx%)
block!20 = icmaxy% + (scrolly% - maxy%)
block!24 = minx%
block!28 = miny%
block!32 = maxx%
block!36 = maxy%
SYS "Wimp_DragBox",,block
I've bodged it so far with:
block!8 = minx% + 8
block!12 = maxy% - (scrolly% - icminy%)
block!16 = maxx% - 8
block!20 = maxy% - (scrolly% - icmaxy%)
But I don't understand why that works.
Christopher Self
Christopher Self